final nominee image

Guy Michael

Gospel artist

Country : Cameroon

Contact: / 6 90 87 98 77

Award Statistics

# Category Year State
1 Best Gospel Artist 2021 Nominated


Guy Michael is a Cameroonian gospel artist who won the Africa Star Music Competition held in Ivory Coast In 2010. For this Cameroonian prodigy from the Moungo department and inked in religious music since the age of 12, this victory only revealed and reconcile for him his Talent as a Gift from God.
Thus begins the great challenges: an Album to be prepared, multiple shows in Africa, various projects. Finally in 2014, Guy Michel Kingue gave us Génération Shine,an album of 10 very colorful titles in which we find titles like <<Manyaka>>.


Guy Michaeli one of the Most recognized Cameronian artists with numerous prestigious awards to his name and has been able to build a strong brand as a Gospel artist.
