final nominee image

Taku Claude

Fashion Designer

Country : Cameroon

Contact: / +237 6 77 68 40 34

Award Statistics

# Category Year State
1 Best Fashion Stylist 2021 Won


TAKU CLAUDE is CEO at Taku Claude Design. He is from the northwest region of Cameroon precisely Batibo and currently in Yaounde (Biyemassi Cameroon).

Taku has a degree in environmental science from the university of buea.

After graduating from the University of buea, he moved to the capital city Yaounde insearch of a job. 5 months later he couldn't get one. Way back in form 3 back in his secondary school days, he used to spend time with his dad in his shop.


Taku Claude is one of the most recognized fashion designers in Cameroon ( entertainment/corporate) world.
